So, thanks to Whitney, I am considering using my fish in an installation. They aren't weather proof, so it would probably be indoors. I am considering finding a way to incorporate light into the process. Anyone have a good place to do it?
The concept of an installation was hard to figure out. "In principal, it means taking a large interior (the exterior can be part of an installation, too) and loading it with disparate items that evoke complex and multiple associations and thoughts, longings, and moods. It's a huge three-dimensional painting, sculpture, poem, and prose work."
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Sweet instillation by Lebanese artist Nada Sehnaoui
I think doing an instillation would be really cool. Since your fish things are supposed to be prehistoric creatures, maybe think of like some environment where they really don't belong, then put them there. The contrast might be cool. Just an idea to play with. Or try and think of what you want your instillation to be about, it doesn't have to have a deep meaning, it could just be playful, but yeah. Best of luck!