Tuesday, November 30, 2010

fIsHy WiShY

So, after a Thanksgiving/Snow/Furlough weekend of random art including wooden figurines, metal kinetic sculptures, more tape people, and some paper mache, I decided I totally want to ditch my concentration. Too bad I still don't know what I want for sure. I made some paper mache fish this weekend. I really don't think that their craftmanship looks high quality enough, but they were really fun to make! Who knows what is coming next?  I sure don't.

Anyway, this is a really cool paper mache fish. This Dan Reeder guy is crazy!

For more of his paper mache craziness go to his website. WARNING! This guy's work is CRAZY!

My fishies aren't painted yet.

Well, that's all folks.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

gInGeRbReAd HoUsE tImE

So I was talking to Amy about a Gingerbread House Making Contest. I am totally down to bake gingerbread and bring it to class with a bunch of WinCo candy so we can truly discover the champion of cookie casas. Would you guys like to do this? And if so, in class (which means less studio time) or after class sometime (which cuts into our non-art lives)? It would count for NAHS because we would take them to the Stafford. Thoughts?

And in case you need inspiration:

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

MoViNg On

So I'm working with adding the ideas of movement and light into my metal sculptures. I think this piece is really sick cause it never stops once it gets started: A rEaLlY cOoL vIdEo Of A kInEtIc ScUlPtUre

Really excited to visit some sculpture gardens tomorrow and the GW Art Therapy department tomorrow.

Saw this piece today. Really sick display of masks. (Sam :) )

Go Pacers.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010


Im really loving this lamp and it goes really well with what I am thinking about for my concentration: Geometric Repition in Riveted Metal Parts. But, knowing me, I'll probably change my mind at least 10 times before I actually have to decide. Anyway, I like the craftmanship of this piece. The base interacts well for me because it is so simply and perfect while the tree is a little more thrown together.

In the studio, I am really pushing myself to be free and just let loose a little bit. My craftmanship is going down, but everything looks like it has more character. Tough bunnies that I can't have both :(


Sidra de manzana fresca en class manana? :)